
K3NG ardunio keyer [Github]

An open source Arduino based CW (Morse Code) keyer with a lot of features and flexibility, rivaling commercial keyers which often cost significantly more.

K3NG Pic Keyer

Simple PIC Keyer from K3NG.

Vail Adapter


CW Hotline


W8BH Morse Tutor Chez VE6LK Kits

Very similar to the Morserino below.

Morserino [Github]

A multi-functional Morse device (Keyer, Trainer, Decoder, even Transceiver etc.). It is ideal for learning and practicing Morse code, useful for everybody from beginner to high-speed pro.

K1EL K16 Keyer IC

PiCW - ykaw

A morse code keyer running on Raspberry Pi.

The CWC Commuter

A little box that you can plug a key and headphones into. It Wifi connects to your phone hotspot. It has a channel selector. Dial up a channel and tx/rx CW on that channel. That's it.

This is an internet transceiver for CW that you can take with you. It aims to be more like a radio than a computer.


Enables you to get a wide view of the different keying modes, to compare their proper logic and accurate timing with the logic and timing of other keyers

YACK - Yet an other CW Keyer Source Files

YACK is a universal CW keyer library and application for the AVR architecture.


This is a tiny, cheap, and open source CW keyer. (ATtiny*5)


This is an iambic keyer based upon the Arduino UNO platform. It provides a means to generate audio sidetone for the purpose of implementing modulated FM that can be used on 2M repeaters.

PiCW - JamesP6000

Raspberry Pi bareback LF/MF/HF/VHF CW (Morse code) transmitter

Makes a very simple Morse Code transmitter from your RasberryPi by connecting GPIO port 4 to Antenna (and LPF). Operates on LF, MF, HF and VHF bands from 0 to 250 MHz.

Compatible with the original Raspberry Pi, the Raspberry Pi 2/3, and the Pi Zero.


This is an "Accu-Keyer" (WB4VVF) Clone for the Arduino (or ATTiny45 or 85)


Joystick becomes a CW key.


A reboot of the original DigiKeyer.

Electronic Straight Keyer - KA4QVK K7MEM Notes